Our subsidies

You can benefit from training subsidies because of the certificates given to Penta Management by the 3 regions (Flanders – Wallonie – Brussels). How to proceed ?

The training cheque department of Forem subsidizes permanent training of the employee through the granting of training cheques. Such a cheque can be bought at a price of 15€ and is worth 30€. This help is given to companies located in the Walloon region (maximum 250 workers and 50 million € turnover). A company can buy a maximum of 400 to 800 cheques per calendar year. The registration form and the procedure are to be downloaded from the forem site : www.leforem.be.

If you pay with training cheques, you have to communicate this to Penta Management before the start of the training course.
Number of Penta Management certification : 01.324

The KMO portefeuille takes care of maximum 50% of the training costs with a maximum of 2500€ per year and per company. Those subsidies go to SME (small and medium sized enterprises) and independent professions located in the Flemish region. You can introduce your request through internet : www.kmo-portefeuille.be

To have access to the system, you have to have your ID-card. The request must be introduced the latest 14 calendar days after starting the training course.
Number of Penta Management certification : DV.0105471

The region of Brussels-Capital takes care of 50% (with a maximum of 5000€ per year) for any training course of minimum 1000€. The subsidies go to SME of less than 250 people and to the independent professions of Brussels-Capital.

The request form is available on the site of Bruxelles-Capital : www.werk-economie-emploi.irisnet.be
The request must be introduced the latest one month after starting the training session.